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Monsoon Months (Chaturmaas) – Ganesh Chaturthi

नमो व्रातपतये नमो गणपतये।। नम: प्रमथपतये।।

नमस्तेऽस्तु लंबोदारायैकदंताय विघ्ननाशिने शिव सुताय।

श्री वरदमूर्तये नमोनम:।।

(Namo Vraātpataye Namo Ganpataye. Namah Pramathpataye. Namaste astu Lambodaray Ekdantaay Vighnanashine Shiv Sutaay Shree Varadmurtaye Namo Namah.)

Wishing all my readers a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi. The days of rejoicement. A time when God arrives at our homes. It’s a beautiful concept in itself that God arrives as a guest at our homes. Generally every household does have a Mandir (temple), so then why does God need to come home? Just to explain to Humans that every Sarjan (construction) has a Visarjan (destruction). The Ganesh which visits our houses is called the Parthiv Ganesh, Ganesh made from sand.

Today I want to talk about Ganpati as the Devi of Buddhi. What can we as students of life learn from Her? What does the Idol of Ganpati wants to convey? Does the concept of the Elephant headed God have any meaning?

My readers, our seers have done everything which has some logic and wanted to convey some understanding by celebrating a festival. They want us to ponder over many qualities and try to imbibe them into our lives. The festival celebration always has a learning part hidden in it. Today we just want to dance to the tunes of music and pass our time. At the same time I see people being emotionally attached with Ganpati as the countdown of arrival begins many months before actual arrival, or even in some cases, from the day he leaves. People await the arrival as it liberates us from worries and sorrow and keeps us happy. But will we be stuck in this. Will we not move ahead in our understanding and let ourselves grow. Or just go on doing it the ritualistic way? At the same time am not against rituals. We all do the parayan of Atharvashirsh every year. Many of my friends do get the Parthiv Ganesh Murti at home. But let’s try to understand it today from a student perspective.

The Ganpati word itself has a meaning, the leader of the masses. Ganesh means the Eshwar of the Ganas (leader of the masses). So the Lord exhibits the characteristics of a leader. And to be a good leader, we need to educate ourselves (to draw out the qualities within us).

1. The Ganpati has an elephant head. Elephant signifies wisdom. So we all need to be gaining wisdom through what we study.

2. He has narrow and small eyes. It is not so that the eyes are small, but the face is so big, that the eyes look small. But the best part about the eyes is that they can see even a small needle in their path. As students when we study, we need to understand the smallest of the nuances of the topic which we are learning. We need to be alert for each and every information, and in whichever corner it may be, however small it may be.

3. His ears are like the “Sup” (grain whinning plate). The Sup keeps the grain intact and at the same time removes the dirt from them. The enormity of ears suggest us to be open to listen to all but decide what to discard while we listen. As a student, one needs to be focussed on studies. We may be exposed to various things around us, but we have to decide what to keep and which to blow off. Also at the same time keep our ears open for good thoughts however far they maybe or however faint they may be. In the different thoughts, we need to find out the most important one.

4. A crooked trunk signifies the length and the reach of oneself. The knowledge we get must be kept in such a way (folded) that it does not interfere in someone’s life. But it should unfold at the right time and be used for the rightful thing.

5. Ganpati is Mahakaay. A huge body. A big belly. Big belly is for keeping all things in the stomach. It is a storing place. Similarly we have to gain such huge knowledge that we need a big belly to keep it.

6. He has a small mouth. It signifies to talk less. A student needs to talk less and listen more. Keeping ones mouth shut means concentrating on what is being spoken and taught. At the same time, it also means that open up at the right time, ask questions, discuss, argue and draw conclusions.

7. The modak in his hand has its own significance. It is sweet inside even if tasteless outside. It reminds us, students, that go into the depth of every topic ones learns. Any topic is always sweet and interesting from within. Outside it is always bookish and boring.

8. He rides a mouse. It signifies a control over worldly desires. Similarly a student needs to have his own control over his desires and concentrate on his/ her studies. He needs to ride his wishes and will.

We can go on and on with lots of things about the Lord. But somewhere we need to leave the things for next time. Many thoughts still lie in my mind which need to be emphasized and talk about. But leave to it Ganesha to give me an opportunity to pen them down some other day.

Wishing you all again, a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and a grand Ganeshotsav.



Am a teacher by profession. A student of History and international politics. Believe that Bhakti (Devotion) and Humanism can only save Humanity. Revere all creation. My thoughts are influenced by His Holiness Pandurang Shashtriji Athavale

25 thoughts on “Monsoon Months (Chaturmaas) – Ganesh Chaturthi

    1. Really nice ..
      You have covered almost everything
      I am happy that authetic information is reaching to the readers
      Waiting for your next blog on Ganpati
      बाप्पा मोरया
      Eyes of गणपती are like microscope

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Really nice ..
      You have covered almost everything
      I am happy that authetic information is reaching to the readers
      Waiting for your next blog on Ganpati
      बाप्पा मोरया
      Eyes of गणपती are like microscope

      Liked by 1 person

  1. First of all thanx to you for accepted my suggestion (Topic on student).
    Its very practical n clear minded article.
    गणपती बाप्पा मोरया आणि आपण सर्व मिळून अमित भाउंच्या blog चा आनंद घेउया.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Every part of Ganpati has been descripted very clearly and has made good comparison with students life. Amazing sir!!!
    🙏Happy Ganesh Chathurthi🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Absolutely amazing explanation of various contexts related to the festival and also Lord GANESHA!
    Very good flow and plot of all the different aspects.
    Thankyou for making us aware of a few unknown qualities and facts!
    Ganpati Bappaa Moryaaa 😇

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Funny and nice point you brought on dancing! Joy is good, but we always see it going on wrong tracks when it becomes a competition between groups, sadly!

    The symbolism is all good! But, I want to know what is significance of bringing in ganapati, doing puja and again dissolving the idol in waters, every year? Like, don’t you think a puja and contemplation of the principles you mentioned, should be on all days? What is your opinion on this yearly birthday celebrations of God (and humans as well)? I am curious to know!

    Liked by 2 people

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