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Poem #11

Dedicated to all the sleeping beauties whom I know who love to sleep, including myself!


The day I woke up to this question, What is sleep?

I asked many, but they all said that it is very deep

Biology says that it is the time for the cells to relax

The body has worked the whole day and now chillax…

It is the projection of conscious on unconsiousness

says the philosopher to me, a lower consciousness…

Some further say that it is the time to spend with oneself

To understand the action done and to correct myself…

These are all such big things difficult for me to peep

My kid says, “Pappa please stop all this and let me sleep“…


Am a teacher by profession. A student of History and international politics. Believe that Bhakti (Devotion) and Humanism can only save Humanity. Revere all creation. My thoughts are influenced by His Holiness Pandurang Shashtriji Athavale

49 thoughts on “Poem #11

  1. नींद :
    प्रभु का प्रसाद समझना जरूरी ,
    यह प्रसाद समझना जरूरी ।।

    जागतिक नींद और व्यावहारिक नींद ,
    के बीच का फर्क समजना जरूरी।

    आंख खुली रख कर सोना ,
    बंध आंख रखकर भी जागना जरूरी ।

    उत्थिस्थ और जागृत
    का अर्थ समज ना जरूरी।

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